Sangre De Cristo Monte En Primavera

Price: $3,800
Size: 18 ½ x10 ½ in.

Scripture: Psalm 121

Medium: Fused glass on sheet copper. The glass is fused Dichroic glass both on black and on clear Dichroic-Rainbow pattern. Other glass used translucent, cathedral, iridized and opalescent. The glass is hand cut one piece at a time and fused to a solid glass base of light pink rainbow striker to create form and texture.

Subject: This fluid glass mosaic depicts the Sangre De Cristo Mountains in Taos, New Mexico. The words meaning Blood of Christ and Primavera meaning Spring. The Season when the trees are in full bloom and the water is flowing freely. The Taos Mountain turns the most amazing colors at dusk and that is why the name Sange De Cristo. In the sunset you might see a rainbow, and the wispy clouds floating by.